KBGA New Music Adds: May 25


niiice.- Try to Stay Positive

Garage Rock/Minnesota Local 
Tilting on the scales of angst and exhaustion, local Minnesota band niiice. cries the anthem of youth. Too bored to sit at home, too tired to go out. An honest look at the millennial condition. Your classic instruments are here with very few surprises. The melodies are catchy and generally clean. The vocals provide a good blend of vocalization and screaming, centering that wavering scale.
RT: 1,7,8


Maps and Atlases- Lightlessness is Nothing New

Math Rock
This album is shows an outward thinking and reaching Maps and Atlases. The songs explore the human condition over a variety of different styles. Tracks like “Fall Apart” show a smooth funk with dark lyrics, while a song like “Super Bowl Sunday” show the band’s ability to tell a story lyrically. Almost every track has a groove to it, usually expressed through bongos or other types of varied percussion. The album feels light, but reads heavy.

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Tracyanne & Danny- Tracyanne & Danny

Indie Rock/Girl Group
This album is the collaborative effort of Tracyanne Campbell (Camera Obscura) and Danny Coughlan (Crybaby). Campbell’s wide, sweeping melodies combine well with Coughlan’s grounded style. Each part of the duo shines on this album. There are times when they share the spotlight, but the album also allows for each of them to shine. Coughlan’s vocals, while may not match up to the ability of Campbell, still have its’ place on the album. An awesome combination. 
RT: 1,5,9


Now, Now- Saved

Indie Pop/ Rock
Even though Now, Now has a more upbeat sound, it doesn’t mean they have lost their emo roots. Airy vocals by KC Dalager and Brad Hale sing angsty lyrics over acoustic riffs and popping beats. This album has a very light feel to it, never straying too far from the poppy, light sound. Dalager’s narrow range is complimented and contrasted by the introspective lyrics. 
RT: 1,2,3,7


Chaos Chaos- Chaos Chaos

Indie Pop
This self titled release shows a familiar Chaos Chaos. Soft, airy vocals over a variety of synths and clean beats. This album distinguishes itself from their past work by showing a much deeper, fuller sound. On some tracks, the band experiments with some styles that generally break from their norm. The track “Blue” as a dash of funk to the indie pop recipe.
RT: 1,2,3,6,7